I would like to report a missing personality...where has my daughter gone? The one who everyone commented how well behaved she was, how cute she was, they could not believe she was only 15 months old and talking the way she was...this past week I have comments such as, "See ya hellion" (sp?), "she has quite a temper", "she has some good lungs on her", "someone's not happy", "must be hitting her terrible twos" ARRRGGGG!! She is hitting, screaming NO, kicking and you all know about the pinching.
Now I do believe that some of this is coming from her NOT getting enough sleep and her nap time is crazy. I am very lucky that I have free babysitting through two family members and Mark gets to stay home with her some. But three different caretakers (not including mommy on the weekends), means different parenting styles, different food and different nap times! Her schedule the last two weeks has been crazy. So last night I put my foot down and decided she needed to go to bed earlier. She cried from 8:15 to 9:00pm. Both Mark and I tried to calm her and get her to sleep with no luck. She finally just passed out. I hate doing that because I feel she does not sleep as well than we she does down calmly and falls asleep on her own.
This has never really been a problem too much. She has gone through sleeping phases where she wakes up at night and stuff. But she normally is very easy to go down at night. So my hunch was right and she preceded to get up at 2, 5, and 6. (This 6am thing actually started earlier this week. She normal gets up at 7:30..but this past week she has been getting up at 5:30 and 6 and refusing to go back to sleep..even if we let her cuddle in bed with Mark and I). So this morning she got up at 2 screaming for me. (which leads to second part of the problem I think, I have not been spending enought time with her) Mark got up then after a while he gave up and put her in bed with us..meaning she climbed on top or me and finally fell asleep. When she got up at 5 we ignored her when she tried to tickle us and pretended to be asleep and she went back down till 6. At 6 Mark put her back to bed and after crying some she fell back asleep. Mark just emailed me as I was writing this and said she slept till 9am! So I hope she is in a better mood today and maybe we can get back on track and get her back to her normal self!
We've often found ourselves wondering where our sweet Jonathan has gone, so I can completely understand where you are coming from here! Hopefully these times will be few and far between!
Oh, I feel for you guys. Hopefully she will get back to sleeping better soon.
This, too, shall pass...but it might take a while. I can't think of one of my 12 nieces and nephews who didn't go through this phase. The crazy thing is that they can turn it off and on like it's nothing. One minute, they're sweet and lovable, and the next you're ready to sell them to the gypsies...but an hour later, they're perfect angels again. It's a kid thing.
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