So not that anyone could replace Mickey and Donald...but Lydia has added a new love, Handy Manny. She carried her "tool" around at
Braylon's party. Notice I have never mentioned anything about Minnie, Daisy, Kelly, or any females...

Here she is playing with Daddy's stinky toes.

Then showing off her beautiful toes...the one is still very purple but still hanging on ...

Here is a our mommy and me photo for the week..Lydia getting to pet an actual tweet-tweet. She was
soooo excited. She gave him kisses and everything.

and I had show off this cute picture of all of
Braylons farm animals..I mean his friends.

So last evening I went to visit a friend who has a 3 month old little boy..and Lydia was excited to see a little baby. So she was pointing to his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and such and then out of nowhere my precious daughter pinched this poor baby's face so hard it scratched him and a tiny bit of blood came out...I was HORRIFIED. She was not mad at him. She said "
ouchie" and kinda smiled. What do you do? I think she thought it was a game or funny. It does not help my friend Kim is a new mom..she did take it gracefully...I figured she would kick us out the door! I am sure it is not the last time my daughter will do something to embarrass me...what have you all done to stop the pinching? I have instructed all babysitter to not say ouch or even blink she she pinches them..any other advice?
You are doing awesome with the mommy and me pics! I've obviously slacked off!! And I love all of those cute little barn yard animals!
I don't know what else to do about the pinching except just to keep reinforcing there is to be none of it! Jonathan is almost three and has gotten MUCH better about hitting, pinching, etc. I bet you were totally mortified, though--I know I would have been!
Emma is a pincher. Now it's reserved for annoying Ethan ("Emma pinch-ed me!!!) and when she's really really tired, she gets all hyper, mean, and pinchy. She gets a warning then a time out but honestly I think when she's tired at 16 she'll still be pinching me.
I love Braylon's barn animals. What fun!!!
PS - no advice from me on the pinching. I will still advice from you when the time comes :)
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