Here are Lydia and I helping dad water his flowers and plants. She was really cute with it and caught on really quickly what to do with the watering can.

Here she is watering the sunflowers that her Aunt Kathy got for her.

Then I guess the rocks needed some water too!

I am not sure what is in the green planter...maybe a tomato plant? But what was cute was she went over to that planter by herself.

Well looking at that bare spot in our must have needed some water too!

Well I had intended to post about a big milestone that Lydia hit last night but as of this morning, she has hit two. Last night Lydia said a three word sentence. " bup me dada". Pick me up daddy...It was super cute and we both got to hear her. But this morning on a sad note, she had her first open wound. She was messing around with a box fan and it fell on her foot. I am not sure what part hit her toe but it cut her pretty badly. There was blood everywhere...We cleaned it as much as we could and put a band aid on it. Then the big mommy guilt starts. She wanted me to hold her and comfort her...but I had to get ready for work. ( I had jumped out of the shower when I heard her screaming) So I finally decided to go to work..half makeup and my hair not done with strict instructions to Poppi...if she bleeds through the bandaid to call me. There was a big chunk taken out and then there seemed to be a slice in it too. But with the blood, the pink polish and her was kinda hard to assess the sitation. She has a doctors appointment tomorrow anyway for her 15 month check up (which made me feel better about leaving her) I am glad I got the pedicure shot when I did!
aww, poor girl. wounds are always a nasty thing to have.
Federal Way flowers
She looks so cute in her little skirt watering the flowers! Hope her foot is OK--that sort of thing is scary!!
What a helper!!
Lydia looks like she will be more than ready to help Mark out this summer in the garden.
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