Here is a our week 7 shot and our official mothers day shot. I did not even dress up on mother's day so this was better than any shot we would have gotten on Sunday. My whole family did breakfast at IHOP. The we did a little shopping. We went home and then I went to yoga. One of the girls I do yoga with brought her husband and he and Mark play guitar and we made some dinner. Pretty nice and simple which is what I wanting know all the running I have to do in the next three weeks.
I do have to say, I think I look very old in this picture...I don't know if my mind is playing tricks with me knowing that I have a big birthday coming up later this year or what...I don't nessesarly mean old in a bad way....I just don't look "young"
I think you both look beautiful!
Thanks..I did not think I looked bad..just more of a women than a girl...
That is a great picture! I love Lydia's dress!
I love the pic. You look so beautiful. Maybe you feel like you look more "grown up" because you are!!! Your someone's Mommy now and it just gives you a different "look" or glow in the pics. Especially in such a pretty Mommy / daughter pic. You both look lovely.
Ack! Ack! BOSU!!! I hate the BOSU! Great mommy and me pic, though!
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