Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dancing Machine

I think the only dance the couple got to dance without Lydia was their first!! She kept yelling for Kelly and wanting Kelly to hold her and dance. I tried to get her but they seemed ok with dancing all their dances with her.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wedding pictures

Here she is looking too cute at the I said in the previous post, she was way to busy hamming it up for the cameras to be bothered doing something like throwing petals...she did so well in practice, even counting them as she threw them!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mommy and me
10 for Tuesday
2. You can make this officially the third night in a row that Lydia has cried less than 10 mintues before passing out.
3. I believe I have an outside kid..She loves being outside, playing in the dirt, picking up sticks getting completely dirty and smelly..She does NOT get that from me.
4. I love listening to her sentences..yes sentences. This girl can talk.
5. Lydia is a huge ham. She could not throw her petals during my brothers wedding because she kept looking at all the friends and relatives and cheeseing for their cameras.
6. The DJ did not have "Wanna be Startin Somethin" but did have "PYT" that Lydia boogied down to..and then EVERY song after that..she loves to dance. I don't think there is video or a picture that does not have her dancing on the dance floor.
7. I finished my book club book today..early for once.
8. Funny how I can not watch or even read up on storylines, but after one episode of Days of our lives I got all caught up in one show today.
9. We are getting closer to the end of our "And Then There Were None" game and I still have no idea who did it.
10. I weigh in tomorrow morning, think light thoughts for me.
Monday, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Schools Out for Summer
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wanna be startin somethin??
Ok by request. We a better one on our regular video camera but I don't know how to get it on here. I will work on it. I took this one this afternoon. Of course all of you that have children...she did not dance like she normally does but you do get to see a little bit of the "move" maybe I listened to "Brush you shoulder off" by JayZ too much while I was preggers...I have no other idea of how she got this move...
Last night Mark had the cds on shuffle and she was all the way in the kitchen when she hear "her" song come on and she went RUNNING into the living room so she could dance. I love it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Chicken Dance

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day at the Park

Here she is driving..I swear we were just at this park a couple weeks ago during a warm spell and she could not even touch this thing.
I thought this was a really cute angle. I can tell she is getting longer but once again I think it is all in her legs. I just put a 12 month romper on her today and it fits fine.
and of course they had to hit the slide. I am sure daddy took her on the really tall one since mommy was not there to say no. I am just not going to ask.
Seeing these pictures reminds me of one of her favorite books right now. Jack and Lily at the Park. She calls it her Park book. At the end it shows all these pictures of different things that you can go back and look for in the book. It is amazing how many things that if I ask her "Where is the kite?" she can point to it! I am trying to step up the signing with her because I know there is much more she wants to say and cannot. But now that we have the basics, more, all done, milk, water, cracker, hurt, hot, up, down, is harder to getting her to sign the specific things and some of those things signs are much more difficult for her to do. I have been teaching here the colors thinking that if she could not say what it was that she wants she could maybe tell me the color of it at least..but those are kinda hard. She as mimiced blue and yellow...but the rest of the colors are pretty difficult for such little fingers. Also Lydia will now count to 10 only skipping the numbers one and seven. Sometimes she will say 12 instead of 7...??? I don' t think we will ever get her to say one. Anytime you say it she just will to right on to 2.
I had a great day with her yesterday. I hate to be happy to be off work when it means that so many folks homes has water damage...but I guess there is a silver lining in every cloud right! We even has 2 hour delay today which was great. Today is my day I have to be at work at 7:10. I do get out at 2:30 but Lord it is hard getting here soooo early. So I always pray for a delay on Thursdays. I hope everyone is safe and dry out in blogger land.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Party Dress/Week 10

Not sure what she is doing here..I hope she does not start pinching with those monkey toes!
She also likes to go "night-night" on anything soft. I hope soon she go back to going night night this easily.
She just looked too cute in the dress. She looks great in cool colors, light blue, light purple and such. I loved how this dress was cut...thanks again Kim.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Thelma loves Lydia. She is so patient with her too. Lydia has pulled out clumps of fur, pulled her tail, used her as a pillow, tries to pick her up, poked her face and the biggie for Thelma, played with her paws...and Thelma has taken it with grace. Most of the time she does nothing, which I think helped Lydia not do those thing for very long..she did not get a reaction from Thelma. The most Thelma will do is just walk away from her. Thelma is at least 12 years old but could be older. Mark got her as an adult cat and had her for several years before I came into the picture. She is a super cool cat. We were hoping her personality would run off on the kitten we got but for those of you that have met Marian..that did not work. Now Marian is not mean..she just does not like other people too much. But she is getting better.
Anywho being a distinguished lady like Thelma is, she is not much of a player...but the one and only thing she will play with is string. So the balloon strings around our house right now is just too tempting for her. The funniest thing is when Lydia is hold the balloon and running around with it and Thelma is running after her playing with the ribbon attached to the balloon. We had to break up a "fight" between the two of them last night. Lydia kept yelling at Thelma because she could not pull the balloon and Thelma along! It was really cute.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Good old days