...Charlie Brown

Please note that the time stamp on these photos are during school hours.....I will not be held responsible for scarring done on her self esteem in her teen years when she sees these photos. Just teasing honey. It is a joke around our family that Mark has a Charlie Brown head.. and he blessed his daughter with the same Charlie Brown head. So I thought the onesie that he found was pretty funny. Would I have taken her to lunch at Applebee's in it? No. At least he did take her pants out of her socks before they left ; )
That is one of the cutest shirts I have ever seen!
Too funny. Does Mark still have his Charlie Brown shirt? I agree with Miranda....what a cute shirt.
I wish he did, I would be all over getting their pictures together..Steve and Barry's had one that we said were going to get to replace his but never did, and now their gone (or so I have been told, I don't remember the last time I have been to the mall)
I had to get the shirt as soon as I saw it. I will buy another one for myself like I used to have. I keep forgetting about that. I'm sure I can find it online somewhere.
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