and I could not have been more wrong..
Oh well, maybe we will have a boy next time and he will look like me!
Lydia update, we have come back to the biting stage..oh how I thought we snuck by that with those few little nibbles a couple of months ago. Actually Lydia was in rare form Wednesday. As I was fixing my hair I smelled baby powder. I step outside the bathroom to find Lydia dumping baby powder all over her nursery...half the bottle. I bring her in the bathroom to dust her off and she drops "the D-word" we had not heard her use it for a long time and I also thought she was done with that. I speak to Mark a little later and find out she says Damn it like 8 times that morning. Perfect. Next that evening we go to Baby Sign (they started a second class that we got into) She loves the instructor's little boy. They play for a good while then I try and settle her down to start class. She bites me. Three times. So hard there is a huge purple bruise on my arm still today. I hope this ends as quickly as it came started. I do believe she is cutting a tooth and has been chewing on everything and ran a small fever last night. Let's pray that when the tooth comes in, the biting stops. We have been doing tons of fun stuff. I have to download all the pictures from the camera. We are going on a train ride tomorrow and the picture card is full! So keep checking back for more updates.
I think she looks like you...
We had a biting stage, too, as well as a hitting stage and both appear to have passed. I think it was around two and a half. I hope the same happens for you, and soon!
I think she looks like you, too. I also think that I had a dress almost exactly like the one you are wearing!
I think she does look like you. I can't believe she is going to be 2 in a couple on months. WOW!
I'm with everyone else...she does look like you in this picture.
OK, so the red dress picture isn't very Lydia-ish, but that first picture of Lydia is totally Paula-ish.
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