Half way up they let you get off and go see some falls. I was glad to get out even if it was raining a little. Lydia needed to stretch her legs.

Uncle Vince taking her on the rocks.

Until the adults start falling asleep too!
UPDATE, Cinderella's prince came through...I think he was a custodian or something but they found her shoe. I went and picked it up after work yesterday. Also our little big girl did great in her big girl bed in her big girl room! It is not decorated or anything yet because I was not planning on putting her in there until Christmas but after yesterday's acrobatic performance, it was pushed up a little. She was scared when we first put her down and kept asking for me. So I did go in there and sit by her bed. She stayed in bed quietly and fell asleep in about 10 minutes. She stayed in there all night. I had hoped that she would sleep in a little when she did not hear my alarm clock but no luck. When I went down at 6:30 to eat, I heard her in there talking. When I opened the door she was standing in the middle of her room. I know she had not been up long because I set up the baby monitor so I could hear her last night. I think it was harder on me not having my baby in her baby bed than it was for Lydia!!
Way to go on the big girl bed! Sounds like it worked out for all for all of you!
Love the train pictures! That looks like a lot of fun! Jonathan would totally love that but I'm not sure that it would keep his attention for four hours either...
Way to go big girl! That is a lot better than Sophie did! And that train looks so much nicer than the cass train!
Looks like it was a lot of fun. Glad things seem to be going well with the big girl bed!
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