My girl and I really know how to party.

We built a fort during the last couple of snow has been fun. We like to read in them.

She also is constantly talking about ghosts. I mention this because if she sees the sheet move while we are in the fort is will say "Yikes, ghost" I don't know if this is leftover from Halloween,
Scooby Doo or if she is a medium..." We have tried telling her there are no ghost but that does not seem to stop it. As long as it does not interrupt sleeping, I don't really care.

I have loved being home with her so much. We have been doing some fun stuff and I will post more. Mark has been working
alot at home in the evenings so that ties up desktop where the pictures are...but I will do better.
Looks like loads of fun. Snow days and summers off are the only reason sometimes I wish I was a teacher.
I used to love building forts and playing in them on snow days with my Mom too!! Enjoy the winter, probably the only good thing about winter in WV. Saw on the weather how cold it is up there. Must be because we've been cold down here too although that is a relative term since high 30s/low 40s in the am isn't really cold compared to WV weather but for SW FL it is!!!
Bryan and Jonathan made a fort one day last week and Jonathan was wild over it. Yours looks really cool!
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