She did great with opening gifts at our house. She wanted to open everything out of the box and play with it. When she got Nonni and Poppi's house she was finished with it. I had to open all her gifts there.
I hope the big doodle pad will save my walls.

WOW..she is loving her princess dresses! She wants to wear it all the time and dance. She will even sing the words to the song on Sleeping Beauty.."I know you..dream" is what she sings..it is so cute.
Here she is with her "heartar" or guitar..I was so excited to give her and her daddy their guitars on Christmas morning!

She even wore her Belle outfit to Nonni and Poppi's later that morning..and she wore her Cinderella Dress all day today..what lucky folks we are go get to hang out with royalty during the holidays!

She even wore her Belle outfit to Nonni and Poppi's later that morning..and she wore her Cinderella Dress all day today..what lucky folks we are go get to hang out with royalty during the holidays!
That doctor's kit will get a lot of use if Lydia is anything like Jonathan. He got his two Christmases ago and he still plays with it at least once a week!
She is so cute in her princess dresses singing the Sleeping Beauty song! Looks like she got some really fun things for Christmas.
Yeah for Lydia and Mark's guitars. And I am all for playing doctor of course - but tell Lydia she can always play nurse. That's more fun anyway (haha).
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