So I had this grand idea to have some of mommy friends bring their kids to the
Middletown Mall for the Halloween Party/Parade. I thought this would be an easy way for us to get our kids together, see them in their costumes, and chat...WRONG.
First of all, the mall was packed. For those of you in the area, you know there are no store to even shop at..I thought there was going to be like 50 folks there..WRONG. There were hundreds and hundreds. We had to just stand in line forever..have you ever stood in line with almost 2 year old. Yeah, she was everywhere. We finally found Miranda and her Luke
Skywalker. So after standing in line for about 20
minutes, we decided that we were just going to leave because we really did not want our kids to have a bunch of candy and they really could not play with each other in the crowd. So we are stepping out the door when someone said...get this....your daughter lost her shoe..that is right, my little Cinderella lost her slipper at the ball.
ARG....these are the shoes that Mark gave me grief for buying because they were so expensive..Miranda,
Braylon and I looked everywhere (we really had not been that many places) I had them do an
announcement. Still no shoe.
So as we were going to leave we ran into
Mendi, Greg and their little monkey
Karenna! We tried very hard to get pictures of the kids but none of them were really cooperating. I will try and post some of them later when I get home. Lydia did her favorite thing to do lately...flop down like she has no bones in her body like a 100 times. So we finally get home after a short visit with
Karenna...and we put Lydia in bed. This morning I heard her in there planning her meals ("bite", "pasta", "cereal") so I was trying to do some yoga. Next thing I know, CRASH. Yep, she took a nose dive out of her crib onto our hard wood floors. She was not even asking to get out of bed or crying...She seems fine now. Dad said that she ate breakfast and did not get sick. She is walking around and talking just fine. I guess we are starting with the big girl bed tonight!