Last night we went to
Braylon's potty party. I was so happy for Miranda that they finally made it here. She has been trying and trying with
Braylon for a long time..but was not getting with the program. He would go when you took him but he would tell you when he needed to go. Thankfully after a couple weeks of charting his progress, he made it 3 days of telling them he needed to go! So we went over to help celebrate. I took this picture from Miranda because we had our camera with us but left it in the again I do not have a mommy and me picture for this week. Not that I would have wanted you to see her in this outfit...My aunt watched her yesterday changed her from her Nike outfit to a
Camo outfit that my uncle bought her. Then all of you know about my daughter obsession with I put my
puca shell necklace on her. Quite a site. She had a good time hanging out with
Braylon and feeding him cheesy poofs. She did not like the noisemakers though....she cried
every time anyone would bring one near her let alone blow it.

Can I also say that I am not looking forward to this in anyway and would rather just change diapers forever! My mom wants to buy her a potty chair now...but I don't want to do this. I think I would rather just get one of the seats for the real
toilet. The less I have to deal with it the better I think...but who knows. I have learned to never say " I will NEVER do that"...I also was looking over some of my typing/spelling has been horrible. Those of you that know me already know that I am a terrible speller. I am embarrassed to say the only way I passed freshman
english with a B was to cheat my through it due to the weekly vocabulary tests. I knew all the
definitions but I could not spell anyone of them. I will not call out the guilty...(not that he would have any chance of reading this blog) but he would whisper the spelling in my ear..then he would look of my paper for the
definitions because he could not remember those...*hanging head* we both got good grades. So my bad spelling on top of trying to type fast at work so no one sees me doing this...well you all have seen and had to read the results....
I have always heard that girls are easier to potty train than boys. So lets hope that when Lydia's time comes, things go more smoothly for you than they have for me. Don't buy one of those seats for the potty...I have one you can have when your ready...Braylon may have used it two times. By the time I was done with the potty chair, he was ready for the regular toilet.
U cheater! :)
Wow, Lydia's hair seems to have grown overnight! All of a sudden, it looks like she has tons of it!
Lily has been a bear for my sister to potty train. Boo did the candy treats, the sticker chart, the talking potty seat...everything. Lily simply would not tell her when she had to go. Finally, this week, LILY decdided that she was ready, and she's been 3 days accident free now! I think that's the key -- it has to be when the kid wants to do it. And who knows, maybe Lydia will want to start early.
I am with you--diapers are SO much easier! We have given it a try or two but he's simply not ready!
Lydia should totally hang out with Jonathan--my mom bought him a Dale Jr. outfit. Wouldn't they make a lovely pair??
Elizabeth is more than a year older than Lydia. We've been working on the potty thing (mainly because she has had a diaper rash from Hell (since right before Christmas) that the doctor said would only go away with potty training) with VERY limited success. The average girl isn't potty trained until 3 years. Average boy is 3 years, 2 month. Don't stress about it me!
I'll say that this potty thing is a BIG PAIN! It is NO fun using every public toilet, b/c something screams "I GO NOW!" The new walmart here does have some spiffy bathrooms!
Oh and we didn't ever use the little potty seat. We went straight to the big potty with a ring and a step stool. I didn't want to clean out a poop bucket! YUCK!
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