Well once again, our real camera is MIA. Mark thinks it is in his camping/fishing stuff. So once again you are stuck with the little phone pictures. I am also not sure why they look like it was done in a dream sequence on Days...I sure it is some lighting issue. So here is our big girl feeding herself yogurt. She also helped mommy make pancakes earlier..I know have bisquick everywhere in my kitchen...but helped her stop yelling Cracker, Cracker. Cracker is the word she currently uses for anything bread like...this morning it meant pancakes!

She just looks so big now. I know she has gotten taller b/c her belly is not a pouched out and she is longer than half of me now. We will have her official 15 month appointment soon so I can give you the specifics.
Pancakes ARE pretty fantastic, so I can see why she wanted to help so badly! And the pictures are totally a dream sequence quality. I like it!
No offense Paula, but longer than half of you isn't that tall! LOL
I like the "dream sequence" pics. Just tell everyone you're going for that look!
yeah i know....and she hit exactly half my height at her one year appointment! so we can be pretty sure she will be taller than me!
Where's our Mommy and Me pic for the week?
What a brave mommy to hand over the yogurt container and a spoon! You could've had much more than Bisquick all over your kitchen! ;)
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