So yesterday was Mark and I's 3rd anniversary. I was at a conference in Flatwoods and did not get home until 6:00. So Mark had made dinner and kept Lydia at my parents (they were babysitting her yesterday during the day) So after a yummy dinner we went to pick up Lydia and they had bought us a Dairy Queen cake (YUM) Mom tried to get Lydia to help her carry the cake into Mark and I but this is what she kept doing...

We could not put the cake near her or her whole head would be in it. Mom's camera was being weird so I took some with the phone. The funny one with her icing/ice cream all over her face was too fuzzy to even post...but it was really cute. I guess she did get somethings from me! She just does not look anything like me!
Thats so funny! After her birthday, she knows what to do with a cake!
I am so jealous! That is my favorie cake, particularly the middle. YUM!
Happy Anniversary!!!
We were thinking of you all on the 23rd and remembered it was your special day. We moved from WV on the 25th so we were remembering 3yrs for us in FL and it all clicked.
Happy anniversary! And I don't blame Miss Lydia for a second, those cakes are GOOD!
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