I think she looks incredibly tall in this picture...and old
Lydia has her 18 month appointment today..Dr. Dev said.."well all she has left is her two year old appointment and we are all done with her baby stuff" WHAT !!!???!!!...all done with baby stuff....when the hell did this happen! ACK! I am the mother of a toddler...and let me tell you she was all "terrible twos" at her appointment. We only have an approximate weight b/c she REFUSED to sit on the baby scale or stand on the big girl scale. I had to literally lay on her to get her length..and if I hear her say NO one more time..the doctor and nurse were very impressed on her verbal skills. I am sure he would have been impressed on her walking or running skills if she would have done them. So we think she is 23 pounds and 3 ounces and 31.75 inches tall. I did not look up the exact percentiles but the doctor said that she was following her growth curve perfectly.
Don't look Braylon!!!!
That first picture is a hoot, and she does look awfully tall in that one picture.
WOW she does look really tall and grown up in that one pic!!
She does look pretty devilish in that first one!
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