and as promised a huge blast from the past....TA DA... my mommy and me on a merry go round. I am not sure where the picture if from. It has August 1980 on the back so it is possible it is from the Mannington Fair..but for some reason I am thinking my mom said it was from a amusement park or something..she will have to post and tell us. But I would have been 23 months old and Lydia is 18 months old so pretty close in age. And you can see..she really does not look like me at all....
So super funny fair story....Those of you who don't know the fair is split between two places in a way. The main rides are on the pop warner football field. Then you walk through the public pool parking lot, cross a little foot bridge and you are on the side with the food and animals. So we were leaving the rides to go and get some food. We were in the parking lot where WVAQ (our local radio station) had their boom box set up blasting some hip hop something. ( I love hip hop so no disrespect, I just really did not know who it was) Lydia pulls her hand away from Nonni and starts busting a move...I mean REALLY busting a move. I have never seen my child get into dancing like that night. She blew all her MJ dancing out of the water. She started some new arm moves and swinging her tush like there was no tomorrow. People were stopping and watching her...I am not kidding or exaggerating in the least. It was the funniest and cutest thing I have ever witnessed. We had to bribe her with lemonade to get her to stop and walk to the other side. And even then, she would get taken over by the groove and start up again. Eventually Nonni just had to pick her up and carry her...I wish you could have seen it.
That's too funny! You should have milked that for some free CDs or t-shirts or something from WVAQ!
I can't believe how much Lydia has grown since last year! Isn't that incredible?
i believe that this was taken at Pitts. zoo
Love all the merry go round pics. It is amazing how much she has grown since last years picture. I do think that she looks a little like you in your 23mth picture (although you had her beat in the hair category)...the girl definitely has your mouth. Wish I could have seen her bustin' a major move at the fair!
I think she looks like you in the baby pics too! And how awesome that you found the same horse as last year!
Great pictures and stories. Lydia is such a ham! I can't believe how much she has grown since last year....WOW!
I wish you would have caught the dancing on video! Girlfriend must have some moves!!
And you were ADORABLE!!! Love the pigtails!!
And I'm gonna be going through Sophie's stuff and you are welcome to it. I wish i would have done it already b/c we are coming up your way tomorrow!
ok..i have been looking..maybe we do have the same mouth and chin..
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