Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Then on Sunday Mark broke yet another thing on wheels...Lydia's cart for the bikes. We went for another bike ride. We rode out for about 5 miles and then Mark wanted to have Lydia ride back on his bike to give me a break. Well he decided to practice going through the wooden poles they have up so that ATV riders cannot get on the trail...well after successfully going through like 10 sets of them..that set was not wide enough. So the cart was broken beyond repair. We are 5 miles from our car, with a broken cart, two bikes and a screaming kid. (she was not hurt, just mad to be in the cart and not going fast) Mark biked back to the car and planned on bringing the car to Pricketts Fort..only 2.5 miles away. I started the long trek with pushing my bike, and pulling the cart with Lydia screaming in it. A few people tried to help but the spring was completely shot and their was just no way of rigging it even to just get us to our car. This one gentlemen ended up coming back. He said that he was a member of the Fairmont Riders Club and they tried to help out anyone on the trail and he could not just leave me the way things were. I told him the only way I knew he could help was to find out what some of these other roads where and how to get to them so we could call Mark and he could pick us up there instead of Pricketts Fort. And that is exactly what he did. He was our guardian angel. It took me 45 minutes just to go half of a mile....God only knows how long it would have taken us to walk all the way back. We waited for Mark by a church that had an awesome playground. So that cheered Lydia up right away. He even called back Mark's cell phone to make sure he had found us..all that and I forgot to get his name!!
After our long hot dusty trek on Sunday, both Lydia and I have been fighting a bad allergy attack...and losing I might say. Monday evening I went to bed at 7:30 (after laying on the couch from 6:30-7:30) Lydia is back to coughing and such...but hopefully the Claritin will win out soon.
Another wacky thing...I looked on the home computer last night for a picture to put up with a 10 for Tuesday pictures..can you believe we have not taken a picture of Lydia for over 7 days!!! Mark used to email me pictures every day while I was at work! I hope to get some good ones at the WVU home opener this weekend.
So headache/sinusache/heartache aside, things are going pretty well in Hatten land....Lydia spoke her first three word sentence. She was crying and she was able to tell us what had happened. Then another cute story. One day we watched Curious George and he had a periscope. The next day I was running the sweeper and one of the hose attachments fell off. She picked it up, put it to her eye and said "monkey"...I thought it was great that she was able to remember something like that from the day before...She is just getting funnier, cuter, and smarter every day..She is such a blessing in my life..ok,must not cry at work....damn this mommy guilt!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Hatten Hoedown
I know that Mark would be super psyched if Lydia wanted to play an instrument. She does like to dance so who know....
Sorry for the short one today..I have had a horrible headache all day but I really wanted to get these pictures up.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
10 on Tuesday
2. I am glad that Miranda, Andrew and Braylon got moved into their new home!
3. Ruby is finally fixed. We can pick her up today. 6 weeks later. I don't even want to talk about how the guys estimate tripled when I asked how much we owe...He did several repairs we did not authorize.
4. My house is finally getting fixed. The roof and chimmey has been repair and he tore out the plaster. Now we wait on rain to make sure there is no more leaks and he will patch everything back up!
5. I have been getting some AWSOME deals lately. Lydia's swing set. Black dress flats for a $1. a beautful dress for $9. I hit the clearance racks at the right time.
6. Don't you love home grown tomatoes..yum. I am eating a tomato from the garden and cottage cheese as I type.
7. I love my hubby for trying to get something together for my birthday but running it by me first because he knows I don't like big surprises like that.
8. I also have been picking up little odds and ends for Lydia's big girl room. A big thanks for Kathy for "volunteering" to sew Lydia a quilt...
9. I am trying to decide if I want to keep my bedroom red or paint it a color to match my wedding quilt and start using that.
10. See number 1
Friday, August 15, 2008
UPDATE..I just looked into the living room and Lydia is standing on the coffee table, playing her instrument (a plastic piggy bank with money in it) and dancing..this Wiggles are the devil!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bike ride

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fun Times
Here is our Mommy and Me photo for the week. This one is special....because I am not mommy in it. If you notice Lydia has "turned" me into something. Again, her imagination is really starting to show. She has done this everytime we are outside for the past who can guess who or what is in this photo with Lydia...and Nonni is not allowed to guess.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mannington Fair with a blast from the Past at the end
and as promised a huge blast from the past....TA DA... my mommy and me on a merry go round. I am not sure where the picture if from. It has August 1980 on the back so it is possible it is from the Mannington Fair..but for some reason I am thinking my mom said it was from a amusement park or something..she will have to post and tell us. But I would have been 23 months old and Lydia is 18 months old so pretty close in age. And you can see..she really does not look like me at all....
So super funny fair story....Those of you who don't know the fair is split between two places in a way. The main rides are on the pop warner football field. Then you walk through the public pool parking lot, cross a little foot bridge and you are on the side with the food and animals. So we were leaving the rides to go and get some food. We were in the parking lot where WVAQ (our local radio station) had their boom box set up blasting some hip hop something. ( I love hip hop so no disrespect, I just really did not know who it was) Lydia pulls her hand away from Nonni and starts busting a move...I mean REALLY busting a move. I have never seen my child get into dancing like that night. She blew all her MJ dancing out of the water. She started some new arm moves and swinging her tush like there was no tomorrow. People were stopping and watching her...I am not kidding or exaggerating in the least. It was the funniest and cutest thing I have ever witnessed. We had to bribe her with lemonade to get her to stop and walk to the other side. And even then, she would get taken over by the groove and start up again. Eventually Nonni just had to pick her up and carry her...I wish you could have seen it.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Girly Things
Thursday, August 7, 2008
More Trouble
I think she looks incredibly tall in this picture...and old
Lydia has her 18 month appointment today..Dr. Dev said.."well all she has left is her two year old appointment and we are all done with her baby stuff" WHAT !!!???!!!...all done with baby stuff....when the hell did this happen! ACK! I am the mother of a toddler...and let me tell you she was all "terrible twos" at her appointment. We only have an approximate weight b/c she REFUSED to sit on the baby scale or stand on the big girl scale. I had to literally lay on her to get her length..and if I hear her say NO one more time..the doctor and nurse were very impressed on her verbal skills. I am sure he would have been impressed on her walking or running skills if she would have done them. So we think she is 23 pounds and 3 ounces and 31.75 inches tall. I did not look up the exact percentiles but the doctor said that she was following her growth curve perfectly.
Don't look Braylon!!!!