I guess while channeling the spirts of her old school Italian grandmother and great aunts, Lydia decided that she wanted to do a homemade hot butter treatment on her hair. For those who don't know what I talking about, the older generation used to put olive oil on the baby's scalp.

What better applicator then the noodles that mommy is trying to get you to eat for dinner. I really have no idea what possesed her to do this. We had my mom, dad, mike and kelly over for dinner. I guess she was not getting enough attention?

We are currently cutting tooth number two and last night at Poppi's birthday dinner, Lydia got the bright idea to start biting me! I hope this stops very quickly. She could be doing it because we are currently bottle free!!!! I wanted to wait a week before saying anything just incase we had a relapse. She still will not drink milk from a regular cup like her water but she will drink it from a straw. We have has a few fits at night with her signing milk in which she really means bottle. One time she threw herself on the floor while crying but the past couple nights have been smooth sailing. I think it also helps that she get a night treat of fruit with her Singular in it...
Those pics crack me! She looks so natural, like, "What else would I do with my noodles?"
Glad you are back Lydia. I missed you. I love the stories with each pic, makes me feel like I'm there to hear it.
Love, April
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