Miranda and I wanted to get the kids together again for Christmas. This year they came over our house.
Here they were from last year. I found this really yummy cookie recipe that Lydia and I tried out earlier (those pics later) so I made up some dough so the kids could play around
Lydia is trying to decide what shape to make first.

The kids were really good at cutting out the shapes.

Here is Lydia doing what she did most of the two times we made the cookies..eating the cookie dough..

Braylon looking handsome as always. He is so good with Lydia. I am still so grateful that Drew got a job up here and they were able to move back so that the kids could be close..that also helps out with Miranda and I being able to hang out more.

The first time around I tried to let Lydia shake the sugar from the containers..and that did not work well. So this time I put all the decoration in little cups and gave the kids spoons. This seemed to work out
soooo much better.

Here were the final products. Can you tell
which two Lydia decorated..needless to say, I ended up eating those two gingerbread b/c they could not cook all the way through with all the sugar!

Now on to the really fun part..presents!

Here are the kids enjoying their presents to each other.
Braylon has such an imagination. He lined up my penguin collection to be Santa's reindeer and the big penguin he is holding was Santa. He was in the process of putting "Santa" in his "sleigh" aka my dining room chair!

and here is my daughter...don't ask me what she is doing..I have no idea!

The cookies look like a lot of fun. I'm with Lydia, though, forget the finished product and eat the dough!
We had a blast!
I can not believe how much they have grown since last year! Thanks for the flashback!
Didn't you know gift bags also make excellent hats? It looks like the kids had a good time making and decorating the cookies together. Lydia is such a cutie!
How smart is Braylon!!! Lydia must've been hiding in that one pic.
She truly is your daughter eating all of that cookie dough.
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