Disney's version of Sword in the Stone

The Hatten Family's version of The Sword in the Stone

Mad Madame Mims. She is a female wizard that Melin duels in the movie. I guess there is such a character in the book but her name is something different. It is too early for me to text April what it is so just believe me or google it!

Lydia and Braylon trick or treated a little together in Braylon's neighborhood.
Then we visited our friends that we do every year b/c they all live in like a half mile radius of each other.
Vickie and Jack
Uncle Mike and Aunt DJ
and what officially was our first place but I was tired of fighting the pictures on here
Mike and Donna's
Archimedes, I think he is my favorite character in the movie. I first was going to try and be him but Owl costume was going to be too hard. Thanks Braylon for letting us borrow your Owl! He is riding on top of Mark's hat in case you missed him the first time.
More Halloween 2007
We made it to my mom and dad and Aunt Kathy's but I think that was toward the end of the evening and the kids were really fighting the cameras. I know I did not get any pictures but Kathy and Nonni might have.
We made it to my mom and dad and Aunt Kathy's but I think that was toward the end of the evening and the kids were really fighting the cameras. I know I did not get any pictures but Kathy and Nonni might have.