I hope everyone went out yesterday and voted. Lydia, Mark and I went yesterday morning. I took Lydia with me to the I Vote machine. With mommy's hand over hand guidance, Lydia voted! Funny note, I noticed this year there was a blue round thing stuck on the side of the machine. Lydia kept trying to grab it but I would not let her. Later on in that day when I went to work (I entered in all the absentee votes) I noticed everyone was using the blue round things to enter the votes on the touch screens. I told my mom (who works for the county clerk's office) how Lydia had been grabbing that but I was afraid to let her take it not knowing what it was. She laughed saying that Lydia has used it several times when my dad would take her to visit my mom before poll workers class. So my daughter again knew more about the technology than I did..I am sure there will be much more of this as the time comes. Like how on Sunday I found some video and pictures on my phone that were obviously taken by Lydia while she was playing around on my phone.
So I guess, after taking part of such a historical vote, Lydia wanted to see the acceptance speech of the
candidate she voted for since she woke up crying literally two seconds before he came on. I got her out of bed and let her watch. Something cool to put in her baby book.
That's awesome! We have a little Obama fan in our house, too. I am so jealous of the touch screen--we have pencil and paper still! Jonathan got to vote in a special Kid's Vote booth. I am proud that, without Bryan's prompting, he still picked a full Democratic ticket!
I think that is so important that you are teaching her the importance of voting and what that means as an American. Way cool thing to put in the baby book. :)
The excitement must have been in the air. I fell asleep watching it and woke at 1:30 to see replays of the acceptance speech, then Bray woke at 2:15 and joined me...unfortunately Braylon was so excited he couldn't get back to sleep and we partied and celebrated until 5:30 this morning...leaving me 15 minutes before I had to get in the shower and get ready for work.
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