Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Here it is....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
10 on Tuesday
2. Today is one of the reasons why I work for the state for crappy pay..SNOW DAY. I love being home with Lydia and I love that when the roads are bad, I don't have to drive with Lydia.
3. Tonight Mark and Lydia were playing the guitars and Lydia was was really cute.
4. My house is so cold. We need to replace the window in the kitchen, it is so old and drafty, it make the whole bottom floor freezing. I hate putting plastic up in the window but it does help.
5. I dabbled around with potty training today. I have been putting her on the potty for a little while after diaper changes and before baths. But today I pulled out the big girl panties. Yes we are using panties. She hated the word underwear for some reason but got excited when I mentioned big girl panties. It went pretty well. I think we are going to go for it over Thanksgiving. Any advice mommys?
6. I paid more for Lydia's Disney Princess underwear than I have paid for my own underwear in years. What is wrong with me?
7. We are traveling for Thanksgiving to Kentucky. This will be the first time Mark's mom has seen Lydia since she was 6 months old.
8. I am selling my bar/Microwave cart. If anyone is interested let me know. We had a couple of incidents where we have been chasing Lydia trying to pry a bottle of tequila out of her that stuff has moved to the basement. Plus it is glass and metal..does not match my dining room set. I have pictures if you would like to see them.
9. I am cooking a Thanksgiving dinner of sorts on Saturday for my family since we all will be scattered on the actual day. We are going to eat during the game. I am going to serve food in the first half since we might not have an appetite in the second half.
10. Those those of you that were jealous of Lydia's WVU rocking are going to wild at what she got today from her Great Uncle Mike and Great Aunt soon.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Facebook Flashback
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Last Pretty Day
Friday, November 14, 2008
Relaxing Weekend
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Serious Case of the Flops.
Well we tried out the professional photographers today. I saw a few real quick ones on her camera and I really liked it. I have an appointment to go and see the proofs next Thursday. Lydia did much better. Still not great...but here when she need a "run around to burn energy" break, we could have one. Also this photographer looked at me like I had two heads when I said I only brought a casual outfit for her to wear in our family photo and then her Christmas dress. I guess I have been trained from Sears where you are only allowed one outfit change. That will definitely be different next time! She did not do any really cool poses with Lydia but in her defense, Lydia would barely cooperate with the very simple ones. She did take a bunch of photos of her dancing so I am excited to see how those come out.
Lyd and I have just been chillin with the rest of my day off. I watch some Days while she was snuggled on top of me napping. I ALMOST was lost... there were quiet a few things different from this summer. Well I am off to make brownies for my Junior League meeting..have a good one.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Growing up

But as with everything, one step forward, one step back...we are still dealing with her big temper. Screaming, hitting, pinching, throwing herself down on the floor and the biting has slowed down but not gone away. She has finally caught on to time out. The last two times I put her there she was able to tell me afterwards WHY she was there. So I am hoping this is a big breakthrough and will help out some...upcoming post...first haircut...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Get off your Bum

So I guess, after taking part of such a historical vote, Lydia wanted to see the acceptance speech of the candidate she voted for since she woke up crying literally two seconds before he came on. I got her out of bed and let her watch. Something cool to put in her baby book.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cinderella and her pals Jac and Gus-Gus

We also stopped to see Whitney and Annabelle.

Our last stop was to Nonni and Poppi's but all of those pictures are on her camera. We were supposed to go to Aunt Wendy and Aunt Kathy's on Friday but we did not make it. First, Lydia would not put her costume on, then while trying to get her to rest, I fell asleep! So I guess one night of trick or treat was enough for us. I hope everyone had a great time!