who needs a bumpo??? lydia is so strong. when people see her they cannot believe how much she has can hold up her head although she has been doing that for a long time. she can sit up very well with hardly any support. she has rolled over from tummy to back pretty well now. and she can get on her side from her back but not all the way over yet. i am sure it will not be long though...now if i could just get her back to sleeping through the night...
Now, Paula... every girl needs a Bumbo seat! Miss Lydia would have one by now if Auntie Wendy could find one in any other color but the awful neon lime green. Lydia must have the purple one and I will not settle for anything else!
She's such a cutie! I need to come visit very soon.
Yes she is strong! Since day one I have been amazed at how strong and alert she is. Based on this picture, I think Mark is winning again. She looks a lot like him here. It is so funny how she seems to go back and forth between looking like each of you!
I forgot to sign my name. It was me...Miranda.
Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
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