Tuesday, March 31, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. The countdown to Mickey's House is on..We leave Friday to Ft. Myers to visit our friends Chris, April and Max. Then we are driving to Disney on Sunday and coming back to Ft. Myers on Monday. We will be back to WV on Wednesday.

2. Let me tell you how much easier it is to visit a friend who has a baby..so we don't have to worry about baby lotion, baby wash, baby wipes..etc..they have it all!

3. Lydia is still fighting this rash. I am now washing blankets and pillows..I guess once she got irritated EVERYTHING is bothering her.

4. I have some really cute videos that I want to post here but the video button is not working on blogger. I don't know how else to post them.

5. I am so hungry today and school lunch is gross (yes worse than usual, chicken on the bone, yack) I think I might actually leave the building to run and grab some thing.

6. After reporting that our Junior League was closing it's doors, we had a huge upswing and now we are growing. I hope the upswing continues.

7. I really wish that Mark would email me some pictures of Lydia. He is always working on the desktop so I cannot get on there to post any pictures.plus we have some really cute one that are still on the camera!

8. I replaced my Zune last night. I really wanted it for the plane ride and for relaxing on the beach. I am really happy that it was super easy to put my old playlist on my new player.

9. Lydia loved the Easter Bunny. We went to our photographer and had them done rather than the mall. She just went up to the Bunny and talked away, got right up in her lap too. I am feeling better about her meeting Mickey Mouse now.

10. I hope everyone has a great week...see ya all when we get back from Florida.


Neurotic Atty said...

Yay, membership upswing! Good luck! And have fun in FLA!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Have a great trip! I am so jealous and can't wait to see pictures!

Stephanie Ledsome said...

Yes, school lunch was gross..ew...

I am so not looking forward to hearing about how it was so nice in Florida and how you had such a great time :P See you and "Olivia" on Friday to do eggs :)

Laura G. said...

Yes...good decision to hit Wendy's for lunch. Whoohoo for Frostie's and eating in the car with the sunroof open :)

Mountain Mama said...

So glad you were able to get another Zune! Have fun...can't wait to see the pictures!