So while we were down in Charleston cheering on the Lady Huskies to their state Championship, Uncle Vince decided he wanted to take Lydia to Build a Bear. As soon as we went over the the
unstuffed animals, Lydia exclaimed "Pink Bear" and grabbed this pink bear with dark pink flowers all over it. She was terrified at the stuffing machine, would not do the heart thingy (Vince's girlfriend Courtney did it), would not wash it, would not pick out an outfit for it (even when we tried to get her a Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty dress for it) and would not name it when it was time to put it into the computer. But she has LOVED this things ever since. Vince even picked up this brush which I thought was going to be a be a waste of money...she loves brushing this thing. We did end up naming it
Pinky Bear since that is what she said when she saw it. And she will call it
Pinky now which the first time she has named something and stuck to it.

This was us walking yesterday in the beautiful weather. I think I might have to scrub the stroller down though b/c for the past two days Lydia has broken out in this horrible rash on her back in the evenings. The only think I can figure out it that there is something on the stroller that is bothering her.

She is serious about her
Pinky. Now for the brain, Lydia is doing so many funny things now. She is very into stickers and they are everywhere. But I would rather find stickers places than markers. She is into bossing Mark and I around. Telling us to get up, dance, or whatever she is feeling at the moment. She has also started telling folks "I'm
smartie" Do you think we tell her she is smart often? She is back to eating with a vengeance which I am happy about. She even ate some carrots for the past two days. That is the first veggie in quite a while. She is
lovin being back outside and in her clubhouse. We are gearing up for the big visit to Mickey's house the first weekend in April.
Nonni bought her early Easter outfits down in Charleston so that she would have a new outfit to meet Mickey in. I am also excited to see how Lydia does with Max.
I think that is all for now..these past couple weeks have been a whirlwind or meetings and trips. I hope to be a better blogger and photographer.
Jonathan was scared of the whole process the first time we went, too. I love the Pinky, thought, and it's nice that she's (he's??) so well groomed!
She was so cute with Pinky Bear when she came over last week.
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