Ok, I could not remember exactly if St. Jude was who you prayed to for helping you to find things...but I do know he is the Saint of lost causes and I figured that my keys had been missing for over a week..it was a lost cause. So I prayed to him on my way to my school yesterday. I was talking about the keys being missing to the parent volunteer and she asked if I looked in my bedroom. I said, you know, I have not. I never bring my keys up there, I have been tearing up my downstairs. Well the more I thought about it the more I remembered that I was by myself bringing her home on Saturday and she was asleep....so I was cleaning up my room this morning and low and behold, there were my keys buried on my dresser! But I knew that people would not want a post just about my keys so here are more one year pictures.

St. Anthony -- he helped my nephew find his new jacket when it was lost last year. Here's the prayer: St. Anthony, St. Anthony, have a look around. Something has been lost, and it must be found. St. Jude is a good second, though, and he certainly worked for you!
As a non-Catholic all I know about St. Jude is he is the patron saint of lost causes and a heck of an awesome kids' charity hospital. But I'm glad he helped you with the keys.
I love the black and white pic of Miss Lydia!
That black and white pic is BEAUTIFUL!!
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