This is a little rocking chair that my Aunt DJ had for my cousin Mikey. Now Lydia is using it. Although we normally don't get her to sit in it, she likes to stand in it..

She also enjoys taking the books out of this basket or the blocks out of that basket and sitting in it.
Here is the new WVU rocking chair. This chair is now near a window. I have a picture of her standing in this chair, pulling back the curtian and looking out the window. It is on my phone, I will have to figure out how to get it on my computer.
Got it to transfer, not sure why it is so small.
She also enjoys taking the books out of this basket or the blocks out of that basket and sitting in it.

Also big news in the Hatten household. Lydia got her first tooth yesterday! I heard it clinking on her glass yesterday morning, checked and there it was!
Guess what! They have a WVU rocking chair for grown-ups at Adams Fine Gifts here in Hellington! I don't have to be jealous of Lydia anymore! Congrats on the tooth, Lydia!
That WVU rocker is soooo cute. I can't get over her standing on adorable.
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