Here is Lydia chowing down on her smash cake. Mom made a whole Winnie the Pooh cake and we took of the head for Lydia to eat on. It was cute seeing her try the different colors of the icing. She did eventually get down to some actual cake there towards the end! Not too messy either.

Here is she blowing out the candle She and Poppi had been practicing all week. You can see the number 1 sugar cookies that Wendy got for the party. I have a better picture of them on the home computer. They were very yummy and very cute!

Opening presents. This kid got some much wonderful stuff. Super cute clothes, a whole Little People jungle (the ark, the barn and the zoo) a star named after her, her first CareBear, WVU rocking chair, savings bonds, a silver dollar, a 2 dollar bill, Cinderella DVD, a pink ball picked out from Braylon himself and a beautiful book that Miranda did of pictures of her and Braylon though out the year. Also she received a pearl necklace from her 3rd cousin Beverly that Lydia's namesake (my Grandma Lena, Beverly's Aunt Lena) started for her plus her Godmother Kathy is starting her own add a pearl necklace...We cannot thank everyone enough for being so generous with her...
Yay, birthday pictures!!! Glad she had a wonderful birthday! Is it wrong of me to covet a 1-year-old child's WVU rocking chair?
No, the rocker is worth coveting..it came from Cracker Barrel..I did not know they sold them. My parents bought them!
Wow...what fun!!! Looks like she had a fab 1st bday.
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