Well thankfully, after my doubt in the begining, Lydia has become a regular old water baby. She even likes baths now. I got some really cute video footage of her playing with Daddy and Uncle Mike last night. If you sit on the steps and put her on her belly on your knees, she will swim! I was putting her around the pool on her belly and she dipped her face in the water. Well, she breathed in some water and coughed for a mintue was she was fine...(still scary after her NICU start for swallowing in fluid) but Lydia was PISSED OFF AT ME. She wanted nothing to do with me. I had to give her to Nonni to calm her down...She has put her face in water before and been fine. I guess this was the first time she sucked in a little water...I want to put her in a swimming class here at Fairmont State but they have to be 6 months old. Maybe this fall....ok well here were three posts to make up for slacking and that I will be gone for the next week camping. I will post camping pictures when I get back.
old school way of storing and using recipes
1 year ago
YAY for liking the water now!!! She looks so cute in her swing...Sophie has the same swing but it looks like Lydia is getting to enjoy it earlier than Soph b/c we didn't get it put up until she was 14 months!!
well i am not so sure she should be enjoying that one so soon. it seems so big. but anytime she is in it, someone is right there with her so i try not to worry too much.
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