I took Lydia on her first camping and boating experience Wednesday. I think she would have had more fun if she had not been sick...I thought she just had a runny nose because she was trying to cut some teeth. But then we got down to Sutton and the stuff started coming out green. She did
ok even thought it was
soooo hot and humid.She was just not her super happy self. I thought about staying until Saturday which was the
original plan because she slept pretty much though the night...but mommy was up all night with the cold that Lydia gave her...so we did go ahead and go out on the boat Thursday but then we left after we got back to camp.

Here is Lydia and
Nonni in the lake. We had my Aunt Paula'
niece Trish there with her two kids and my Aunt and Uncle
usually camp with another family Jon and Pam. They were there last year when Mark and I went. They knew about the baby and was excited that I had brought Lydia this year. They were
disappointed when they thougth Mark was not coming till Friday to play Skip-Bo with them, but then they were more
disappointed when we left early.

This is
Hassie. My aunt and uncle's dog. She is really good and friendly. She did great with Lydia. Lydia liked watching but she did not try and pet her like she does her kitty Thelma. Funny side story, Mark told me this morning that Thursday, Thelma broke into the bedroom/nursery and put Lydia's Eeyore in her mouth and brought it to him! She did this one other time when I took Lydia and stayed with my mom so Mark could strip wallpaper. Thelma brought him a pair of Lydia's pants from her dirty clothes basket. I guess Mark has been replaced!

All tuckered out from swimming. She HATED that thing.
Luckily, my aunt and uncle just ride for a while then they dock for most of the afternoon and swim. So Lydia only had to wear it for part of the time. I think she just felt strangled...