This year my birthday fell on the Sunday of the Italian Festival. So I got to celebrate with outdoor mass and yummy food. After the festival we went down with my parents to the Winery in Weston. It was such a pretty day we decided to take some are the Forrest Gump and his daughter Forrest Gump Junior. Now I am not saying that I am miss photogenic but Mark has to be one the hardest person to take a picture of..maybe I will do a whole post of outtakes one day! and yes, although not in these photos his eyes are usually closed.

Here she is showing off her Italian Princess shirt and her crazy hat she talked Nonni into buying for her and her Pooh stamp on her face that she also talked Nonni into getting for her...
She is so cute! What an imagination!
Lydia has turned into a full-blown little girl this summer! She's not a baby anymore, that's for sure!
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