This is the cutest picture ever. Her "15th" cousin Beverly bought her this. You push the button and the top rises with Pooh and the gang ice skating around in it. Lydia loves all of these push the button make the (penguin, santa, tree, snowman) sing and dance. I just loved how instead of dancing around like she usually does, she sat quiet and really focused on looking at them inside the box.
and of course, the best present of all!
Quick update, I was having a hard enough time accepting that Lydia could stand on her own, that made her seem sooo old and grown up. But this morning during our snuggle/playtime in mommy and dadddy's bed, she took her shirt off by herself! She completely got her right arm out of her pajama shirt then had the right motions to take it off of her head. But let's be honest, mommy has a hard time getting things over her beautiful Charlie Brown head. So we helped with that part, but then she pulled it off of her other arm. I just cannot get over what she can do now.