Here is the big cut....this is Lydia and I at her first Mannington Fair Parade. It is also the first picture of me with my new haircut. Many of you know that I was pretty active with the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life while I was living in Morgantown. I had promised them for years that I would donate my hair to the Locks of Love. So when Miranda cut hers, I started feeling pretty guilty that I had promised to do it and 6 years later, still had not done it. So on August 2nd, the day after the big party, I cut it off. Lora even took 11 inches and still left me with much more hair that I thought I would have. I feel pretty good about it. I like the cut. I don't know if I will keep it forever but for a little while. We will see how easy it is for me to keep up when I have to be at work at 7am......
Wow - can't believe your hair. It looks so good, but just so short for what I am used to seeing you with. Lydia sure looks happy in that pic. I think she's saying "Mom you have short hair like me. Aren't we cute?"
Love -April
What an awesome thing for you to do!! And I love the new do!
I love, love, LOVE the new do!!! It must feel like the quickest way to lose 5 pounds...speaking of which, I think I'm going to run and go shave my head right now!
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