Well here is her six month quilt shot about 27 days late....she was extra squirmy this month. it was hard to get her to relax and take the picture. She weight 15 lbs and 2 oz at her appointment and was 25.25 inches long. I hope to get her seventh month picture up much sooner. She is definitely moble now. She can really get going backwards but mainly she rolls around when she wants to go somewhere. She can go forward but not much. She loves doing "yoga". She does table, plank, and downward dog...it is crazy looking. I think she might end up "walking" on her toes and hands before she actually crawls on her hands and knees.
She is amazing. She changes each time I see her. :)
You need to put each month's quilt pic on your side bar so we can compare. Of course I'm not sure how you do that...but another blog has pics like that on the side bar.
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