Here is Lydia being a conductor on the
skylift thing we rode while at
Gatlinburg. She got to stand with the conductor and she just loved that all the folks on there were talking to her and praising her for such a good job. We decided to ride that to get a better view of the Smokey Mountains since the weather and my health was not cooperating for much hiking.

On the way up she showed us this "cabin". It is owned by Mattel and is an exact replica of the Barbie dream house..isn't awesome? Anyone can rent it..anyone with tons of cash that is...

I tried to get a nice "three generations of Hattens" photo but as many of you know..getting a three year old to cooperate is kinda hard.

This was really the best one we got.

Here was our version of rock climbing. I guess this picture tells a big reason of why I don't keep purses for long..could I have stuffed anymore crap in there!!!

Lydia playing around on the rocks.

This was our 10 minute hike from the day before that did not go well.

Click, take a pic! Lydia hanging out at the cabin pretending to take pictures of everyone.

and this is for Lara...Lydia does have the right gear..I have no idea how she did not end up in any of her Mountaineer gear for the pictures.
LOL! OK, I'll withdraw my referral to CPS. ;-) Glad you all had a good time!
Love that last pic! She makes a super cute Mountaineer!!
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