Oh yeah, Lydia and I have been baking up a storm.


How nice, she is sharing...don't worry hon, mama got the bowl and the scraper!

Doesn't it look like she is praying.."thanks you Jesus for my mama having a chocolate attack this morning"

She just cracks me up.

Are you still taking pictures of me?

Seriously mom, cut it out.

Dig in!

and this does not count the number of pans of Rice
Krispie Treats I have made. I have been craving those like crazy. And the trips to the
ahhh summer.
I love the one where she looks like she is praying to the chocolate gods!!
I am SO wanting to get to DQ to get one of those Girl Scout cookie blizzards! Maybe tonight after dinner...
Baking with my mom is one of my favorite memories. The beaters were my favorite, too!
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