Here is Lydia' s new face she likes to make. Not sure why she started making this face but Mark remembers his sister making the same face while snorting our of her nose...as Lydia does. Anyway, I think she is super cute when she does it.

Here is the seven month shot on the quilt. She is getting big. i finally got out some 6-9 month clothes and they fit kinda...the oneies are still long but the footed sleepers fit her good. She can get herself around pretty well. Just ask her about rolling off of mommy and daddy's bed game day morning....she still is not doing the traditional crawling, but she can get where she wants to go. She is also doing great with her signing. She is signing milk pretty consistantly. She actually signs milk, anytime she is hungry or thirsty, so with Lydia it could mean, water, cereal or milk...but we get the drift and the is the point of teaching her to sign...I would say she is about 75% consistant with it..so that makes me happy. I have tons of pictures and stories to blog about..I am just way behind b/c we have been gone. Upcoming blogs, first Italian festival, mommy's birthday, first wvu game and tailgate, first wvu away game....
1 comment:
It's about time you updated! I LOVED that Sophie could do a few signs. She was very consistent with "more", "finished" and "eat". I can't wait to see her in her cheerleading outfit!
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