Well this year we decided to head up to Pittsburgh for their 4th of July festivties. We wanted to take Lydia to the stadium and this way it was "free"..not counting the $10 bucks for parking and gas to get up there! Here is Lydia with the new Steelers mascot. I guess both the teams got one this year.

This is a picture of Lydia and I in the end zone...of the Great Hall. The picture of us where you can see the end zone we are so far away. This was the best picture of her dress..plus it is a pretty good picture of the two of us together. I am trying to get inspired by a post from Kim a couple of months ago. For mommies to quit hiding behind the cameras and get in some pictures with their kids. (I am seeing some of my jaw line, chin and lips....so maybe is not all Mark)

I know this one is blurry but I loved it. I am not sure why it did this, all I did was turn off the flash b/c it was bouncing off the back posters. Anyway this is one of those shots they did nto know I was taking and I love it.

Here is the new trophy case for the 2005 Super bowl trophy..unfortunatly there is a big show up in the Football Hall of Fame and the actual trophy is up there. ( We are assuming, the case was empty and we know the Hall is doing a big spread on the Steelers 75 year in the NFL)

This was a cute story. We were sitting on our blanket saving our spot for the fireworks and this little girl came up to us saying how cute Lydia was. I talked to her for a few mintues then she asked if she could bring her baby sister over to meet Lydia. Lydia loved it, she kept playing with her feet! The little girl was 6 months old and the older girl had just turned 7.

All tuckered out, she slept for about half and hour, then woke up during the fireworks. She loved them. She had watched little ones before in our yard and enjoyed them. I was not sure how she would do with the big booms...but she did great!
It looks like you guys had a blast!
And I love her dress!
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