I think this one is really funny. We tried and tried to get these kids to look at us. Braylon is in the "I don' t want my picture taken" phase. Lydia was just to busy exploring to be bothered by her Aunt Miranda and mommy taking pictures. I think she is looking at me and saying" enough already mom, I am outta here"

Here is an example of how "thrilled" Braylon was on getting his picture taken. We told him we were not taking his picture, we were taking Lydia's picture. We needed him to be a big boy and hold Lydia for us since she was a tiny baby...well looks like Lydia was holding him! I am not sure how her arm got back there..but it think it is really cute picture. Don't they look like good buddies!

Braylon gave up on his big boy duties and we got some alone pictures of Lydia.
I don't know what they are both examining but they seem very interested.

and of course, Lydia had to try and eat a some leaves..no wonder the kid ended up sick! She will try and eat everything execpt the Cherrios and Banana puffs I want her to feed herself!