She loved this little rocking chair of Braylon's. Especially when she figured out that she could get down from the chair all by herself. She did her trick over and over...not fun for pictures.
She does love to read....She might not look like me but she is getting some of her habits and eating traits from me..her love of cherrios, peas and bread and her use of the word "cool". What a weird word for a 11 month old to know you say...I guess I say this word quite often. Not only has Lydia picked up this word without us trying to get her to say it, she repeats it everytime I say it..which now I know is all the time!
She is just so precious. :)
Good Call w/ Miranda - she really does do the best pics of Lydia - I can't believe that big "one" is next month. Oh, by the way - you do say 'cool' a lot - that's so funny she picked that up from you :)
I don't know which I love more -- the little striped tights or the little skirt! She is just too cute! The pictures turned out great.
Oh how cute!! I'm loving those great striped tights!
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